Pricing That Makes Sense

1-20 Unit Package



21-50 Unit Package



51-100 Unit Package



100+ Unit Package



Listings can be paid online through credit card payments.
If you are posting more than 5 properties contact us for discount and help.

How does listing work?

Create an account and list all your properties. Then comes the easy part: wait and quickly get potential renters contacting you.

How much do I pay for this service?

If you check out our Pricing Tab under List With Us it is all written out for you in an easy manner. If you are posting more than 5 properties, call, and we will give you a volume discount. There are no hidden fees or costs. It's all up to you the amount you want to pay and periods of time you wish to list with us.

How do I pay?

If you would prefer to pay for your rental listing with cash or check send payment using the below information. If you do not hear from University & Community Housing Services 3-5 business days after mailing payment please contact UCHS.

Checks should be made payable to: UC Regents

Mailing Address:

University & Community Housing Services UC Santa Barbara

University Center, Rm 3151 Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7160

Please note, your rental listing will not be active on the UCHS website until payment is received.

University & Community Housing Services


Why would I pay more for a featured listing?

Who doesn't enjoy first class treatment? With this feature, your properties will be sorted out from the rest and come up before others. Your listing will be displayed on the home page and always show up at the top of the list view. Not to mention this will bring 5x more traffic to your ads.

Questions? Contact Us

Note: If you are looking to sublease an apartment, head over to your campus page and click on the Sublease tab.

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IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CALL US AT 805-893-4371 | FAX 805-893-4376