Landlord Registration

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    The UCSB Off-Campus Rental Listing Service does not investigate, endorse, or guarantee the tenant ability of these listings, or the suitability for those responding to the listings. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or withhold any listing. By filling out this form you are giving your consent to post all of the information on this page on our housing boards, in our printed lists, and on our web page. Your listing will be posted for 30 days. As a courtesy to our clients we ask that you notify us once you have found accommodation or filled your vacancy.

    Create your account:
  • Password must be atleast 6 characters
  • Contact Information:
  • Mailing Information:
  • Other Information:
  • As a subscriber to the UCSB Online Rental Housing Listing Service, I agree to abide by all public laws and regulations pertaining to the rental of housing accommodations, including not discriminating on the basis of RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, GENDER, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, or SEXUAL ORIENTATION. However, I am entitled to specify the gender of a prospective tenant for a single room in my home. The University accepts no responsibility for any actions arising from these listings. The University has not accepted, approved or disapproved of this facility nor investigates, endorses or guarantees the suitability of those responding to any listing.

    Your listing will be activated on the next business day following submission and will be posted for 30 days. As a courtesy to our clients we ask that you notify us once you have found accommodations or filled your vacancy. We reserve the right to remove, edit, or withhold any listing.

    When you fill out the registration page, we require listors to provide their physical street address. "This address must be the usual street address at which personal service may be affected of each person who is the owner or is authorized to manage the premises, as required by law. This information needs to be made available to your tenants (Civil Code 1962)." The Community Housing Office may provide this information to tenants upon request.